Artista sonoro e investigador.
Su trabajo explora la intersección entre el arte sonoro, la computer music y la interacción hombre-máquina. Ha expuesto y actuado por toda Europa en instituciones y festivales como CTM, Ars Electrónica, Sónar, ZKM, STEIM, LEV, etc. Es ingeniero superior de telecomunicaciones y doctor por la Universidad de Arte de Linz (Austria) donde es investigador activo del Tangible Music Lab en el campo de las nuevas interfaces musicales. Publica periódicamente en conferencias académicas internacionales como NIME, ICMC, SMC, TENOR y ICLI sobre las relaciones entre instrumentos musicales y notación.
Sound artist and researcher.
His work explores the intersection between sound art, computer music, and the interaction between man and machine. He has presented and acted throughout Europe at institutions and festivals such as CTM, Ars Electronica, Sónar, ZKM, STEIM, LEV, etc. He is a supervising engineer of telecommunications. He also holds a doctorate from the Linz University of Art in Austria, where he is an active researcher at Tangible Music Lab which works in the field of new musical interfaces. He publishes periodically international academic journals such as NIME, ICMC, SMC, TENOR, and ICLI about the relationships between musical instruments and notation. For more information, see www.ultranoise.es
Gracias a / Supported by Foro Cultural de Austria