Descripción conceptual
En este video, el éxito de los 80 de Rick Astley “Together Forever” se somete a un proceso temporal que crea numerosos efectos de audio y vídeo, que contrastan con la idea del amor perfecto representado por la canción.
El mismo videoclip repetido, es representado en una retícula con una pequeña variación de tiempo, de modo que los diferentes tracks comienzan sincronizados y terminan totalmente fuera de tempo. Convirtiendo una azucarada melodía, reconocible por el público, en una caótica pesadilla sonora.
In this video, Rick Astley’s 80s hit Together Forever is subjected to a temporal process that creates numerous audio and video effects that contrast with the perfect love depicted by the song.
This is part of a series investigating on temporal phasing in audio and video. In this piece, many instances of a videoclip from the late 1980s, “Together Forever” by Rick Astley, are displayed in a grid. The clips are played back with subtle speed differences between each of them. This way, the clips start in sync but will eventually be totally off, with noise introduced by the phasing between the many channels. This work draws on the main idea of the song and the contrast that gradually builds between this idea and the time-based process that actually separates one clip from another. Subject to a simple time process, a sugary pop song becomes a chaotic nightmare.
Sala Audiovisual
La Casa Encendida
4, 5 y 6 de marzo
duraión: 2´56´´
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