seda, resina, madera, latón, cigarros hechos a mano, tubos de pvc, grabaciones

Instalación que hace referencia a la historia de la ciudad de Eindhoven, cuando era una de las grandes productoras de cigarros de Europa, recibiendo el nombre de ‘La Ville Fumée’.

Consiste en una máquina cuyo funcionamiento está controlado por un conjunto de cigarros hechos a mano. La producción artesanal de estos cigarros les confiere una fuerza y duración diferente lo cual hace que la máquina funcione de manera impredecible.

Eng/ measures: 500 x 500 x 120 cm
materials: silk, epoxy, wood, brass, hand made cigars, pvc pipes, recorders

The sound-art installation by Dutch artist Ronald van der Meijs, titled ‘play it one more time for me la Ville Fumée’ is controlled and monitored by the use of hand-made cigars. Because each cigar has its own strength due to the natural and traditional way of making, it means they all have their own fire rate rendering the installation unpredictable as it responds to an unnatural rhythm caused by these fire rates.

The artwork is composed of 4 tuners each control a recorder by means of pistons containing the hand rolled cigars. There are 4 different recorders: a bass flute, alto, tenor, and a soprano. The pistons with the cigars and the recorders are both controlled by 2 abstract lungs. This sound-art burning cigar piece can be seen as a tribute to the former tobacco industry of Eindhoven city and its thousands of workers and craftsmen.
The composition is a requiem for the former cigar production industry of Eindhoven.