Descripción conceptual

Esta instalación trata el tema de la naturaleza vs cultura de diversos modos. La instalación presenta a la máquina casi como un personaje animado, que es controlado y supervisado por un elemento natural y tradicional, unos cigarros artesanales.

La instalación cuenta con 4 sintonizadores que controlan cada flauta por medio de pistones que contienen los cigarros hechos a mano. Hay 4 flautas diferentes: una flauta baja, alta, tenor y una soprano. Los pistones con los cigarros y las flautas son controlados por 2 “pulmones”. Hay un dispositivo que quema el cigarro cuyo humo hace sonar las flautas. Esta instalación puede ser vista como un homenaje a la antigua industria del tabaco de la ciudad de Eindhoven y sus miles de obreros y artesanos. La composición sonora es un réquiem para la antigua industria de la producción de puros de Eindhoven.


This installation is in many ways about nature versus culture. The technique used here has an almost machine like character, that is controlled and monitored by a natural and traditional item: the hand made cigar. Because each cigar has its own strength by the natural and traditional way of making, they all have their own fire rate. It is precisely this fact that the installation is not working in a predictable way but rather relates to a more or less natural rhythm.

The installation has 4 tuners each control a recorder by means of pistons containing the hand-rolled cigars. There are 4 different recorders: a bass flute, alto, tenor, and a soprano. The pistons with the cigars and the recorders are both controlled by 2 abstract lungs. This sound-art burning cigar installation can be seen as a tribute to the former tobacco industry of Eindhoven city and its thousands of workers and craftsmen. The sound composition is a requiem for the former cigar production industry of Eindhoven.

Seda, resina, madera, latón, cigarros hechos a mano, tubos de pvc.


Silk, epoxy, wood, brass, hand made cigars, pvc pipes.