Arquitecto y artista. Actualmente desarrolla su trabajo en el campo de los objetos y las instalaciones, enfocándose principalmente en la relación del espectador con el espacio y con objetos que lo relacionan con la arquitectura y espacios comunes.
Identificado con el desarrollo «low high tech» y los métodos DIY (hágalo Ud. mismo) trabaja con instalaciones e intervenciones sonoras que involucran artefactos electromecánicos, explorando relaciones transversales entre lo mediático, el acceso a la información, el conocimiento compartido y las nuevas formas de utilización del mismo.
Ha desarrollado intervenciones en espacios convencionales utilizando simulaciones digitales, explorando las relaciones cotidianas con el entorno y las formas de apropiación del territorio.
Architect and artist, currently working with sound installations and interventions involving electromechanical devices.
Identified with the “low high tech” methods, and all self-taught learning and development methods – DIY (do it yourself).
He explores the relationships between media, access to information, shared knowledge and new ways of using it. His interventions are developed in conventional spaces using digital simulations or analogic devices, exploring the everyday relationships with the environment and different forms of appropriation of the media and the objects.
His work mixes formal technical knowledge with his own curiosity and exploration of the environment in which he grew up. Building the devices and installations has allowed him to express his personal interests and to create a connection with the viewer. To do this, he uses open source information, and the access to technologies considered obsolete or old. His installations have a connection with forgotten objects and with the way we perceive our new digital reality, emphasizing elements of our everyday life that we take for granted, and that generally disappear for us.