Artista transdisciplinar. Es Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Diseñadora Gráfica (UNNE) y Especialista en Arte Sonoro (UNTREF). Realizó el Programa de Artistas de la Universidad Di Tella (2018). Desde 2012 participa regularmente en exposiciones individuales y colectivas; residencias, festivales y ferias. Su trabajo fue exhibido en Argentina, Paraguay, Brasil y México. Desde 2018 forma parte del staff de la galería Intemperie. Es coordinadora de exhibiciones en el Centro de Arte Sonoro.
En su trabajo aborda nociones como paisaje, frontera y sincretismo, mixturando el pensamiento mágico con relatos autobiográficos, referencias culturales y registros documentales.
Transdisciplinary artist. She has a degree in Visual Arts, Graphic Designer (UNNE) and Specialist in Sound Art (UNTREF). She completed the Artists Programme at Di Tella University (2018). Since 2012 she regularly participates in solo and group exhibitions; residencies, festivals and fairs. Her work has been exhibited in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Mexico. Since 2018 she is part of the staff of Intemperie gallery. She is coordinator of exhibitions at the Centro de Arte Sonoro.
In her work she addresses notions such as landscape, border and syncretism, mixing magical thinking with autobiographical stories, cultural references and documentary records.