BRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!! It is an activity-workshop within the En Familia program of La Casa Encendida, about the Ursonate Karaoke facility in Cabo San Roque.
The objective of the workshop is to initiate the participants in the world of phonetic poetry and led improvisation. It is designed for a family audience from 6-7 years. It is essential that children know how to read, although not necessarily in a fluent way and that they are accompanied by an adult.
To do this joint phonetic-musical creation the participants will be initiated to the conducted direction, starting with Walter
Thompson’s Sound Painting which is the universal sign language for live multidisciplinary composition, and the live musical composition system used by John Zorn Cobra where detailed rules are used but without the previous conception of what is going to happen, as well as the creation with the participants of their own signs.
The first part of the workshop admits a large number of participants, but for the part of phonetic-sound improvisation groups can not be greater than 25 people.
Primero se hará una “visita guiada” por la instalación dónde Cabo San Roque explicará el detalle de la conceptualización y creación física de la obra a partir del poema visual de Raoul Hausmann (artista expulsado del grupo dadá) del que se sirvió kurt Schwitters para la composición de la sonata Ursonate que a su vez es el germen de la instalación Ursonate Karaoke.
After this “guided tour” the participants will be introduced to the exploration of phonetic poetry, the sonority of the syllables, the music of
the phonemes that will serve, from the conducted improvisation, to create an ad-hoc sound composition with all the participants : a phonetic choir, a Babelistic harmony. All from the syllables and phonemes that are part of the work Ursonate, which is based on the sound installation that will be in the courtyard of La Casa Encendida during the IN-SONORA festival.
The workshop will end with an exhibition-concert, open to the public, of the result of the work carried out by the participants in the workshop.
A quien va dirigido:
Público familiar, niños a partir de 6-7 años. Es imprescindible que los niños sepan leer, aunque no necesariamente de una forma fluida y que vayan acompañados de un adulto.