Una Walker es una artista y escritora residente en los Flax Art Studios de Belfast (Irlanda del Norte).Ha realizado numerosas exposiciones en Irlanda y en el extranjero, en las que ha realizado instalaciones, obras de audio y vídeo y trabajos sobre papel en lugares y contextos específicos.Ha realizado instalaciones específicas en diversos lugares, como fortificaciones militares, fábricas abandonadas y una catedral. Entre 2008 y 2015 fue becaria de investigación en el National College of Art and Design de Dublín y miembro del Digital Repository of Ireland Core Implementation Team. Los cierres por la pandemia de Covid le brindaron la oportunidad de realizar obras de audio y vídeo inspiradas en lugares muy cercanos a su hogar.
Una Walker is an artist and writer based at Flax Art Studios in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She has exhibited extensively in Ireland and internationally, making site and context specific installation, audio and video works, and works on paper. Site specific installation works have been constructed in diverse locations including military fortifications, derelict factories and a cathedral. From 2008-2015 she was a Research Fellow at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin and a member of the Digital Repository of Ireland Core Implementation Team. The Covid pandemic lockdowns provided an opportunity to make audio and video works inspired by places very close to her home.