Técnico en Diseño A.A. Escultura y licenciado con deshonor en Filosofía UCM, se presenta como carpintero por razones emotivas y lo que sabe de electricidad lo ha aprendido experimentando con motores de cacharros recogidos en la calle. Desde hace 10 años ha colaborado y dirigido varios proyectos y colectivos de arte independiente centrados en la interactividad y participación reflexiva del público. Con su experimentación a partir de mecanismos y sonido ha participado en muestras internacionales como INTERFERENCE (Holanda), IN-SONORA IV (Madrid), SAOUT (Marruecos), ARTe-SONoro OFF (Madrid), TRANSONICA (México) y TENTACIONES-Estampa (Madrid). Desde 2009 imparte talleres en los que transmite la base necesaria para iniciarse en el reciclado de electrodomésticos y utilización de motores.
Design, Applied Arts and Sculpture Technician, He achieved a “dishonorable discharge” from UCM before completing a Major in Philosophy. He introduces himself as a carpenter for emotional reasons and he learnt all he knows about electricity by experimenting with engines found in pieces of junk picked up on the street. For the last ten years Alfredo has collaborated on and directed several independent art projects and collectives focused on interactivity and reflective involvement of the public. Through his experimentation with machinery and sound he has taken part in international exhibits such as INTERFERENCE (Holland), IN-SONORA IV (Madrid), SAOUT (Morocco), ARTe-SONoro OFF (Madrid, Spain), TRANSONICA (D.F. Mexico) & TENTACIONES-Estampa (Madrid). From 2009 he conducts workshops where he imparts the basis for an introduction into the recycling of electrical appliances and the use of engines for artistic ends.